nessavay: mother earth
nessavay: the view from neahkahnie lookout
nessavay: the crew
nessavay: reflection
nessavay: the leslie tree (part 1)
nessavay: boat full of clouds
nessavay: focus is optional
nessavay: the giant dipper
nessavay: matriarch
nessavay: Mom & Dad circa 1969
nessavay: my birthday at farrell's circa 1985
nessavay: on the edge of the world
nessavay: how i feel about 'roid week!
nessavay: 'roid week :: day 1 (roses)
nessavay: 'roid week :: day 2 (leaves)
nessavay: the pacific ocean
nessavay: flowers in her hair
nessavay: reflections
nessavay: newport bay marina
nessavay: ripple
nessavay: astoria–megler bridge
nessavay: coastal fire
nessavay: neahkahnie mountain
nessavay: what a rush!
nessavay: the mighty pacific ocean
nessavay: curves
nessavay: that iconic haystack
nessavay: ghost pier
nessavay: Salton Seascape
nessavay: seagulls