*Vasek*: Széchenyi thermal bath
*Vasek*: Shoes on the Danube Bank
*Vasek*: I was absolutely eager to be up-to-date on the Hungarian handball scene...
*Vasek*: Parliament no-tripod improvisation
*Vasek*: Buda Castle
*Vasek*: The Chain Bridge
*Vasek*: CIA street tactics aka The Truth about Hungarian handball newspaper pic
*Vasek*: 4/4 Check :-) :-) :-)
*Vasek*: 3/4 Smile
*Vasek*: 2/4 Check
*Vasek*: 1/4 Smile
*Vasek*: André Rieu had his hair cut short?
*Vasek*: Tripod envy
*Vasek*: Széchenyi thermal bath
*Vasek*: Széchenyi thermal bath
*Vasek*: I can hear the famous melody...
*Vasek*: For a moment I had this wise idea...
*Vasek*: Yellow
*Vasek*: Vajdahunyad Castle
*Vasek*: Flash
*Vasek*: Bench view
*Vasek*: Reminiscence