varrqnuht: LCA2009 Network Bunnies
varrqnuht: Tuzalanch
varrqnuht: The winning consortium
varrqnuht: Making your sysadmin happy: a case study
varrqnuht: Twitter live on the big screen
varrqnuht: Bdale still looks a bit shell-shocked
varrqnuht: Arjen Lentz feels the breeze
varrqnuht: Engine diagnostics: coming to you live via SSH!
varrqnuht: Linus Torvalds Shaves Bdale Garbee's beard for charity
varrqnuht: Elspeth Thorne receives the GEEK plates
varrqnuht: Geek My Ride
varrqnuht: My keynote highlight