varf: all hyped up (we're going to the zoo)
varf: all hyped up (we're going to the zoo)
varf: all hyped up (we're going to the zoo)
varf: ready to go?
varf: breakfast - prawn noodles soup
varf: breakfast with ethan
varf: we're at the zoo!
varf: fell asleep on the way
varf: ben & jerry's at the singapore zoo
varf: "bamboo" fence
varf: a head for directions
varf: wakey wakey
varf: capped
varf: quiet roar 001
varf: quiet roar 002
varf: quiet roar 003
varf: let sleeping cats lie
varf: let sleeping cats lie
varf: emu two?
varf: roo rompin'
varf: roo rompin'
varf: roo rompin'
varf: human touch
varf: what's up, doc?
varf: elephant grin
varf: komali, the coconut crusher
varf: plumage
varf: i'm not deaf, i'm just ignoring you
varf: rear end
varf: the eyes have it