Varbow: A life-time waiting
Varbow: Own way
Varbow: The more I care, the more I feel the pain
Varbow: New family member 家族新成員
Varbow: Hayashi 林デパート 林百貨
Varbow: Social movement in Taiwan
Varbow: Civil disobedience 公民不服從
Varbow: A sense of mutual affection 相親相愛
Varbow: There is still a person who cares and loves you at the other side of the world
Varbow: Something's missing 少了點什麼有點寂寞
Varbow: Bump into
Varbow: 練習用不一樣的方式來愛人
Varbow: 又是一個苦悶的夜晚 Another gloomy night
Varbow: It's just a cigarette