.sWineDriveR.: Ready Made (with Strata, Orpheus, Fumage)
.sWineDriveR.: Discarded Bread
.sWineDriveR.: Polychromic Minutiæ
.sWineDriveR.: Shroud, Even
.sWineDriveR.: EA (IA, YWH, ETC) Parts The Earth From The Waters
.sWineDriveR.: Bad Dog
.sWineDriveR.: Just The One Way, No Other
.sWineDriveR.: X, Patch Regime
.sWineDriveR.: The Caging of Salt (Auto Composition, Extracted)
.sWineDriveR.: Begrudging Acts That Alter Forms
.sWineDriveR.: The Railroad Pilots Have White Eyes (after Soupault)
.sWineDriveR.: Three Times, Individually
.sWineDriveR.: Dallas Morning
.sWineDriveR.: The Furling Pieta
.sWineDriveR.: Autocomposition No. 150: Pillow Remainder (Like A Duggulous Glove)