Vanjey_Lego: Reverse Flash & Plastic Man
Vanjey_Lego: Transprent minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Lego Kick Ass
Vanjey_Lego: Color chrome minifig-2
Vanjey_Lego: Silver surfer
Vanjey_Lego: Color chrome minifig-1
Vanjey_Lego: Clean hippy scooter
Vanjey_Lego: Sam and Samie
Vanjey_Lego: Sam and his domestic shark
Vanjey_Lego: from keychain to minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Disco singers 70'
Vanjey_Lego: Super Heroes Christo minifigs
Vanjey_Lego: Christo Super Heroes
Vanjey_Lego: Exclusive Daredevil custom minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Exclusive Daredevil custom minifig n°113/200
Vanjey_Lego: Red Skull - Christo vs official version
Vanjey_Lego: Customs Super Heroes
Vanjey_Lego: Flash, Reverse Flash and Black Flash
Vanjey_Lego: Lego Flash vs Chrsito Flash
Vanjey_Lego: Customs Super Heroes
Vanjey_Lego: Dave Lizewski / Kick Ass
Vanjey_Lego: Customs Super Heroes limited edition
Vanjey_Lego: Blackbolt custom minifig
Vanjey_Lego: The Wasp custom minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Daredevil custom minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Bullseye custom minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Kick Ass custom minifig
Vanjey_Lego: Fantastic four and Silver surfer
Vanjey_Lego: Fantastic four
Vanjey_Lego: Albator minifig