vanherdehaage: Bryson on his new rocking horse
vanherdehaage: Bryson on the hobbyhorse
vanherdehaage: Jack & Bryson on the hobbyhorse
vanherdehaage: Jack and Steve at the public library
vanherdehaage: Bryson & Jack at the public library
vanherdehaage: Jack at the public library
vanherdehaage: Bryson at the public library
vanherdehaage: Jack at the public library
vanherdehaage: Bryson and Carol at the public library
vanherdehaage: Bryson and ice cream face
vanherdehaage: Carol chastises Bryson's manners...
vanherdehaage: Bryson and ice cream tongue
vanherdehaage: Bryson and ice cream tongue
vanherdehaage: Bryson and Jack cheering
vanherdehaage: Devilish Bryson
vanherdehaage: Devilish Bryson
vanherdehaage: Bryson by the game board
vanherdehaage: Bryson by the crrek
vanherdehaage: Crawling Jack
vanherdehaage: Smiling Jack
vanherdehaage: Bryson zooms by
vanherdehaage: Baby Jack again crawls towards Uncle Steve and his camera with the big attractive hanging strap
vanherdehaage: Baby Jack crawls towards Uncle Steve and his camera with the big attractive hanging strap