VanGoffy: Church in Leugny, Vienne France.
VanGoffy: Château de la Guerche along the Creuse River.
VanGoffy: Alley way!
VanGoffy: Small Chateau in the Loire Valley.
VanGoffy: Way Across!
VanGoffy: Sunset Bridge!
VanGoffy: Aurelian statue in Rome
VanGoffy: Churchyard with Snowdrops!
VanGoffy: The Old Parsonage, Bradbourne, Derbyshire.
VanGoffy: Bridge at Dusk!
VanGoffy: Bridge Reflections!
VanGoffy: Ruins! (Port-De-Piles Vienne France)
VanGoffy: Old Water Driven Mill - Loire Valley.
VanGoffy: 'Neon Steel!' (ODC - Architecture)
VanGoffy: 'London Time!'
VanGoffy: 'Night Eye!'
VanGoffy: 'Hand of God!' (ODC - Upside Down)
VanGoffy: 'Groovy Roof!' (ODC - Pattern) EXPLORED 14th Aug 2012
VanGoffy: 'Studded Entry!' (ODC - Door)
VanGoffy: 'Land-Mark!' (ODC - Mark)
VanGoffy: 'Climbed On!' (HSS - Happy Sliders Sunday)
VanGoffy: 'A Grave Atmosphere!' (HSS - Happy Sliders Sunday) (Halloween 1)
VanGoffy: 'Ornate!' (ODC - Walls)
VanGoffy: 'Defend These Walls!' (HSS - Happy Sliders Sunday)
VanGoffy: 'The Deep!' (ODC - Getting to the Point)
VanGoffy: 'Back Streets!' (ODC - Orange) (ODC - Bricks)
VanGoffy: 'Chichester Cathedral'
VanGoffy: 'Overgrown!' (HSS - Happy Sliders Sunday)
VanGoffy: Photo-Focus ('Diagonal Lines are Dynamic' - illustrate or challenge!)