VanGoffy: 'Leo' - what's he seen!?
VanGoffy: 'Leo' - chilling in the garden!
VanGoffy: 'Leo' relaxing in the sun.
VanGoffy: Leo Eyes
VanGoffy: Big Paw - Little Paw!
VanGoffy: Hollie!
VanGoffy: I'm watching you!
VanGoffy: 'Twilight' - named for being really quite scary!
VanGoffy: Mimi!
VanGoffy: 'Nah-nah, can't catch me!' (ODC - Starting with 'N')
VanGoffy: 'The Stare!' (HSS - Happy Sliders Sunday)
VanGoffy: 'This is Me..eow!' (BWW - Black&White Wednesday - An image to describe yourself)
VanGoffy: 'Cauliflower Ear!' (ODC - Gnarly)
VanGoffy: 'Surveillance!'
VanGoffy: 'Peek-a-Boo!'