Vanessa Vox:
January the 9th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
January the 17th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
January the 24th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
January the 31th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
February the 7th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
February the 15th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
February the 21th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
February the 28th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
March the 7th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
March the 15th, 2014 (Turn Around)
Vanessa Vox:
March the 27th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
April the 4th, 2014 (Short Animation)
Vanessa Vox:
April the 15th, 2014 (Don't worry... BE YOU!)
Vanessa Vox:
April the 30th,2014 (Dying momentum)
Vanessa Vox:
May the 9th, 2014
Vanessa Vox:
May the 19th, 2014 (Apparition)
Vanessa Vox:
May the 25th, 2014 (The Rose)
Vanessa Vox:
The straw broom
Vanessa Vox:
The snail and the fossils
Vanessa Vox:
The dry olive leaves
Vanessa Vox:
Inside the church
Vanessa Vox:
Mister drummer
Vanessa Vox:
Shadow creature
Vanessa Vox:
Close up
Vanessa Vox:
Pointing the shadow
Vanessa Vox:
Looking for the fruits
Vanessa Vox:
Mirroring the making of
Vanessa Vox:
July the 11th, 2014 (Moving forward)
Vanessa Vox:
Floating hand in the rain
Vanessa Vox:
August the 1st, 2014 (Dipping in the macro world)