Ms_Vanessa: Notre's famous, apparently.
Ms_Vanessa: Awwww
Ms_Vanessa: Humble Bumble Bee
Ms_Vanessa: The Hall of Mirrors
Ms_Vanessa: Pretty Greenery
Ms_Vanessa: Pretty doors
Ms_Vanessa: Some landmark or t'other.
Ms_Vanessa: Even the graves are all artistic and romantic.
Ms_Vanessa: Yumyums
Ms_Vanessa: The Louve is very busy.
Ms_Vanessa: Mummy, are we in Egypt?
Ms_Vanessa: Inside the pyramid
Ms_Vanessa: Tokyo Tower!
Ms_Vanessa: Picasso sculpture.
Ms_Vanessa: Rooftops
Ms_Vanessa: Another famous landmark
Ms_Vanessa: View across Paris.
Ms_Vanessa: Ceiling
Ms_Vanessa: Awww, again.
Ms_Vanessa: Inside the Louve