vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: title page
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: opening spread
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: The Metropole Cafe
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: second spread
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: they just the foxes
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: third spread
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: in front of the Americana detail
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Times Square original
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Times Square original (detail)
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #2
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #2 (detail)
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #3
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #3 (alt)
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #4
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #5
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #5 (detail)
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #6
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #6 (detail)
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #7
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #8
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #9
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #10
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #11
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #12
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Illustration #12 (detail)
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Announcement #1
vanberto: The Marvelous Mouth: Announcement #2