vanberto: baby shower signage
vanberto: Nametags by Babcha
vanberto: name tags by Babcha
vanberto: Mickey eyeing Van's belly
vanberto: Mick, Vanessa, Nana and Babcha
vanberto: Mickey, Vanessa, Judy, Doris
vanberto: Mick with mini-Mickey
vanberto: parents-to-be
vanberto: Babcha and Mickey
vanberto: Jessica, Vanessa, Mickey
vanberto: Jessica and Vanessa
vanberto: Mel and Mickey
vanberto: Mel and Tina
vanberto: Melanie, Anya, and Tina
vanberto: Mel, Anya, Tina
vanberto: Tina, Melanie, Kathy
vanberto: Tina, Mel, Kathy
vanberto: The Duzyj sibs
vanberto: cupcakes with ducky toppers from Babcha
vanberto: Aunt Cindy, Arria, Linda and Jeanne
vanberto: Opening presents
vanberto: Emily
vanberto: Tina and Jess
vanberto: Through the Red Hook belts
vanberto: Julia prepping mini-candybar diapers for the games
vanberto: Lisa guessing the number of M&Ms in the huge baby bottle
vanberto: Tina, bearer of gifts
vanberto: Opening amazing nursing garment from Tate & Courtney
vanberto: Mickey with Mini-Mickey
vanberto: Mickey with tiny old man shoe