vaneramos: Red-bellied snake 3/3
vaneramos: Patch of moss on granite
vaneramos: Interrupted clubmoss, Lycopodium annotinum
vaneramos: Unidentified bracket fungus
vaneramos: Morning light
vaneramos: Hobblebush 5/5 (series)
vaneramos: Hobblebush 4/5 (series)
vaneramos: Hobblebush 3/5 (series)
vaneramos: Hobblebush 2/5 (series)
vaneramos: Hobblebush 1/5 (series)
vaneramos: Wildflowers on our cottage property
vaneramos: Wetland refuge
vaneramos: Unidentified mushroom by the cottage path to the dock
vaneramos: Decay: Lichen landscape
vaneramos: Decay: British soldiers lichen, Cladonia cristatella
vaneramos: Decay and growth
vaneramos: Fungus detail
vaneramos: Chanterelle waxcap
vaneramos: Decay: Lichen Landscape
vaneramos: Dock colonists
vaneramos: Common polypody, Polypodium virginianum
vaneramos: Colonizing the dock
vaneramos: Sweet gale
vaneramos: The yellow birch
vaneramos: Miniature Still Life #183
vaneramos: A bluet, unknown damselfly species
vaneramos: Pondweed droplets
vaneramos: Droplet population
vaneramos: Hobblebush leaf underside
vaneramos: Miniature Still Life #180