Van Daniel:
Low Library, Columbia University.
Van Daniel:
Living Room @ 118th
Van Daniel:
118th Living Room
Van Daniel:
Snowing on College Walk – Columbia University
Van Daniel:
Pupin Rooftop, Cold Day
Van Daniel:
Columbia Roofing
Van Daniel:
Chair is near the Window. Whoa.
Van Daniel:
Red Tree on Campus
Van Daniel:
Clouds above Columbia University
Van Daniel:
Tree by Butler
Van Daniel:
Low & Such
Van Daniel:
Columbia & Snow, again.
Van Daniel:
Owl House
Van Daniel:
Columbia 360º
Van Daniel:
In December they turn on the trees and everybody is nicer.
Van Daniel:
Students Welcoming the Season
Van Daniel:
Blue Low, White Lights, and Red Steps
Van Daniel:
Lit Trees through Lighted Trees beyond Bright Trees