tyrone11: rtcc_start_2016
tyrone11: rtcc_2016_lake_stevens
tyrone11: rtcc_2016_camp_mt_vernon
tyrone11: rtcc_steve_a
tyrone11: from_sandbar_labourday2016
tyrone11: lunch_at_sanbar
tyrone11: luba_bday
tyrone11: US border - 2 bike lanes no wait!
tyrone11: first flat - Birch Bay
tyrone11: near Birch Bay
tyrone11: lunch Bellingham
tyrone11: waiting to be bused - Bellingham
tyrone11: campsite
tyrone11: Hot Showers in Trailers
tyrone11: Party Time
tyrone11: buddie - Paco and Craig
tyrone11: swine photo bombed.
tyrone11: $2 million of bikes?
tyrone11: mo bikes
tyrone11: need it say more
tyrone11: luxury camp - no rain!!
tyrone11: team ea camp
tyrone11: more luxury camping
tyrone11: nice bike
tyrone11: centennial trail
tyrone11: Pit Stop Stevens Lake
tyrone11: near Redmond
tyrone11: finish Redmond 130k from M.Vernon