valpil58: Autumn flowers
valpil58: Light explosion bubbles bokeh
valpil58: Asters bokeh. (Settembrini)
valpil58: Rudbeckia fulgida - [EXPLORE # 318]
valpil58: Bokeh comparison.
valpil58: 3d Vintage Poppy.
valpil58: Fantasy (Pentacon 29 mm bokeh II).
valpil58: Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.)
valpil58: It's not Monet
valpil58: Iris pseudacorus
valpil58: Ecstasy (Pentacon 29mm bokeh) - Scabiosa atropurpurea.
valpil58: Born into a white rock - [EXPLORE # 361]
valpil58: Trifolium L., 1753
valpil58: Summer colors brushstrokes.
valpil58: Rudbeckia bokeh - [EXPLORE # 260]
valpil58: Rosa canina L., 1753
valpil58: The rest of the warrior.
valpil58: Iphiclides podalirius with bokeh of Helios 44M
valpil58: Magic moment - [EXPLORE # 351]
valpil58: Cyclamen bubble bokeh - [EXPLORE # 242]
valpil58: Wasp on the Eryngium amethystinum L., 1753
valpil58: Takumar bokeh.
valpil58: Cyclamen L. 1753 - Ciclamino.
valpil58: Tui.
valpil58: Campanula carnica.
valpil58: Oil painting - (Cichorium intybus L., 1753 - Cicoria comune)
valpil58: Milù.
valpil58: Gladiolus palustris bokeh.
valpil58: Summer poppy.
valpil58: Melitea.