VolVal: SPARROWS-on-fatball
VolVal: Distraction!
VolVal: Sparrow: 24.4.11
VolVal: Male & female sparrows: 28.4.11
VolVal: Sparrow in acacia: 28 April 2011
VolVal: Sparrow: 15.7.11
VolVal: Dunnock: 6.3.12
VolVal: Hungry Sparrows: 28.7.12
VolVal: Young Sparrows: 28.7.12
VolVal: Unaffordable? 6.9.12.
VolVal: Glum looks...6.9.12
VolVal: Sparrow and Wagtail 10.1.13
VolVal: House sparrow 6.1.13
VolVal: Sparrows: 19.4.13
VolVal: Dunnock 8.2.13
VolVal: Cock Sparrow: 9.7.13
VolVal: Sparrows feeding: 9.7.13
VolVal: Sparrows 8.7.13
VolVal: Blue sky pic. 31.5.13
VolVal: Independence...2.6.13
VolVal: Plenty of Sparrows: 30.8.13
VolVal: House sparrows: 12.5.14
VolVal: House sparrow bathing: 12.5.14
VolVal: Private shower: 11.5.14
VolVal: Showering sparrows 2. 2.10.14.
VolVal: Showering sparrows 3. 2.10.14.
VolVal: Showering sparrows 1. 2.10.14.
VolVal: All mod.cons. 28.11.14.
VolVal: Passer domesticus: 28.11.14.