VolVal: Nuthatch: 10.7.12
VolVal: Bluetit: 10.7.12
VolVal: Squaring up: 27.3.12
VolVal: Dunnock: 6.3.12
VolVal: Buzzards at Holton Lee: 6.3.12
VolVal: Treecreeper (Certhia familiaris)
VolVal: Nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
VolVal: Nuthatch at Holton Lee.
VolVal: Redwing: 20.2.12
VolVal: Robin in bracken: 23.1.12
VolVal: Molehills and Buzzards
VolVal: The peanut-feeder: 3.1.12
VolVal: Another nuthatch: 5.12.11
VolVal: BIRDS! (Holton Lee 12.12.11)
VolVal: Pheasant feeding: 12.12.11
VolVal: Nuthatch: 5.12.11
VolVal: Motacilla alba yarrellii: 28.12.11
VolVal: Pecking away...
VolVal: Goldfinch 22.11.11
VolVal: Great Spotted Woodpecker 22.11.11
VolVal: Great Spotted Woodpecker female 22.11..11
VolVal: Pigeon: 16.5.11
VolVal: Great spotted woodpecker
VolVal: Cemetery bird: 30.4.11
VolVal: Wheatear: 30.4.11
VolVal: Wheatear, two shots: 30.4.11
VolVal: Seagulls nesting
VolVal: Wood-pigeon woes: 28.4.11
VolVal: Mistle thrush: 25.4.11.
VolVal: Listening for worms: 25.4.11.