Vhardy: Mike in Cyrene
Vhardy: Lunch time
Vhardy: Salt Canyon hike
Vhardy: Our trail guide
Vhardy: Santa Barbara
Vhardy: Tutt
Vhardy: Navajo Wedding, Michael Tutt and Valonia Hardy
Vhardy: Spam Sushi
Vhardy: Shears anyone?
Vhardy: Mike in Alaska
Vhardy: Guess which is the real chili?
Vhardy: Pastrami Anyone?
Vhardy: Serious
Vhardy: Baby posing
Vhardy: Whitesands
Vhardy: Mountain of Gods resort
Vhardy: Tutt ready to take pictures
Vhardy: Halloween 2009
Vhardy: Skinwalker?
Vhardy: El Tour de Tucson
Vhardy: Fueled and ready to go for El Tour de Tucson
Vhardy: Mike ready for his 109 mile ride at the El Tour de Tucson
Vhardy: El Tour de Tucson - start line
Vhardy: Tutt at Windsor Castle
Vhardy: Best Friends
Vhardy: Tutt and Libyan friend
Vhardy: Mutton fest
Vhardy: Navajo Doctor
Vhardy: Walking on the beach in Santa Barbara
Vhardy: Father and son