The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Tuntematon kuvaaja / Unknown photographer d1976_6_15134
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Fred Runeberg d1976_6_11242
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Fred Runeberg d1976_6_10730
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Kuvaaja tuntematon / Photographer unknown d1976_6_49819
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Heinirch Iffland D1976:6//13012
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
U.A. Saarinen D1976:6/14408
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Atte Matilainen D1976:6/14625
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Lauri Kuoppamäki D1976:6/14990
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
István Rácz D1976:6/15239
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
E.Granlund D1976:6/209
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Aarne Pietinen d1976:6/10424
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Pietinen D1976:6/11403
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Pietinen D1976:6/11566
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Fred Runeberg D/10488
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Fred Runeberg D1976:6/1025
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Heinrich Iffland D1976:6/1214
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Aarne Pietinen D1976:6/1249
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Tekijä tuntematon D1976:6/4569
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Heinirch Iffland D1976:6/1170
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Heinrich Iffland D1976:6/13011
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Fred Runeberg D1976:6/14358
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Heikki T. Lehmusto D1976:6/15048
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Hans Wagner D1976:6/50145
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Ape Janhunen D1976:6/12804
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Atte Matilainen D1976:6/14537
The Finnish Museum of Photography:
Pauli Huovila D1976:6/12677