arrowlakelass: Right Turn
arrowlakelass: Snowed in.
arrowlakelass: Blue Sky Contrail
arrowlakelass: Over the stairs to the basement.
arrowlakelass: Roof over basement stairs to be cleared off
arrowlakelass: Most of the snow cleared
arrowlakelass: Blue sky white mountains.
arrowlakelass: The city has dumped snow from the street onto the hedge and into the yard.
arrowlakelass: Peppers from Goodfoods parcel
arrowlakelass: Veg for Korean-Style Beef Bowls, Goodfoods
arrowlakelass: Bombs away, above freezing today and the snow is sliding off the roof.
arrowlakelass: Curtain of snow sliding off the roof.
arrowlakelass: The next mornning, still hanging but lower.
arrowlakelass: A few minutes later, a rumble and gone!
arrowlakelass: Buried sidewalk, lots of icy snow, waiting for spring!
arrowlakelass: Sidewalk buried. No harm, this sidewalk is not necessary till the snow melts.
arrowlakelass: Winter Sun