arrowlakelass: Tiny tomatoes.
arrowlakelass: Leaf lettuce for lunch today.
arrowlakelass: Canada Day on the Columbia River
arrowlakelass: Celebrating Canada Day on the Columbia River
arrowlakelass: Albertine Rambler
arrowlakelass: Japanese Iris
arrowlakelass: DSC01137
arrowlakelass: Petunia Power
arrowlakelass: Ripe Thimbleberry
arrowlakelass: The thimbleberry bushes are close to six feet tall!
arrowlakelass: Beauty found in the scrub areas.
arrowlakelass: Yarrow and Clover
arrowlakelass: St John's Wort and Dogbane
arrowlakelass: Blackberry Blossoms
arrowlakelass: CP Boundary 25.4
arrowlakelass: Steel for Columbia River bridge at Castlegar
arrowlakelass: Clematis on the pergola.
arrowlakelass: Clematis
arrowlakelass: Astrantia
arrowlakelass: Clematis Rooguchi
arrowlakelass: Clematis Rooguchi
arrowlakelass: IMG_8897
arrowlakelass: Sewing Project
arrowlakelass: Spirit Square at City Hall
arrowlakelass: Soccer Field
arrowlakelass: More work in the park.
arrowlakelass: Surprise! Found this on the selvedge of my bargain fabric!
arrowlakelass: Fresh from the garden
arrowlakelass: Smoke in the valley today from distant forest fires.