arrowlakelass: July 2012
arrowlakelass: Hail July 3/12
arrowlakelass: After the hail, squash squashed.
arrowlakelass: Finally! Sunshine!
arrowlakelass: Albertine Rambler
arrowlakelass: Old sign
arrowlakelass: Overgrown
arrowlakelass: Loram Rail Grinding Train July 5, 2012
arrowlakelass: Life in Lotus Land
arrowlakelass: Columbia River Rail Bridge July 5, 2012
arrowlakelass: Refilling the water tanks Loram rail grinding train.
arrowlakelass: Loram Rail Grinding
arrowlakelass: Loram Rail Grinding Train
arrowlakelass: P1240331 Loram Rail Grinder Train
arrowlakelass: Mock-Orange Wild Shrub
arrowlakelass: The ospreys have the best view of the river.
arrowlakelass: High water in the park.
arrowlakelass: Going going almost gone.
arrowlakelass: IMG_5403
arrowlakelass: On the bridge
arrowlakelass: A new beach
arrowlakelass: Millennium Walkway
arrowlakelass: More water in the park.
arrowlakelass: Twin Rivers Park
arrowlakelass: Causeway to Zuckerberg Island, now a rapid.
arrowlakelass: Suspension Bridge Zuckerberg Island
arrowlakelass: Mirage Belly Dancers
arrowlakelass: The Big Picture
arrowlakelass: At the Kootenay 2012 Festival