valleydweller: Sanding ABS. Feels like my first legit part output. A wall! 3.5 hr print. roughly 3"x5". #3dprint
valleydweller: Stackable (I'll figure floors out in Resin, and retrofit the witeframe later). Bottom window was a support nightmare, so I decided to make a window socket instead.
valleydweller: Stuck with ABS for sanding, PLA saved me on the slotted shrine base. Platform heated to 75c to nail it down. Really hard to remove support though. Had to use pliers to remove raft. Might go solid instead of Shell on master file for this local output. It'l
valleydweller: I'm hoping I got the angles right on these. Hot glue sprues. Trying to feed bubbles out well at this stage.
valleydweller: Measuring volume with rice. #protip Thank again to whoever gave me this brilliant idea.
valleydweller: this is one of the most dangerous things I do. #demolding #silicone
valleydweller: Guess what, kids? #3dprint are hollow, i.e. full of buoyant air Glue them down well. #floater #fail
valleydweller: Quantity often helps ensure quality. Chemistry ratios are more forgiving at higher volume. 100ml total here.
valleydweller: The result of this evening's labor. The thin wall set is quite tricky. Got half of one shrine's struts cast. I should focus on those and lay off the barricades. #theresonlysomuchresin
valleydweller: Tonight's #celesticon terrain progress. #hotglueFTW #webwayportal #resin #cast #3dprint #rapidprototyping
valleydweller: But wait, there's more! #inventory #todo #3dprint #resin #rapidprototyping #terrain #celesticon
valleydweller: Still need to paint and static grass bases. #celesticon #terrain Foam stumps I was gifted last year will come in handy. #rapidprototyping #3dprint #resin
valleydweller: celesticon ArtDeco prototypes
valleydweller: celesticon ArtDeco prototypes
valleydweller: Paint, wash, drybrush, static grass. #celesticon
valleydweller: It Begins. @voxcaster #celesticon #narrative #apocalypse #eldar
valleydweller: Hit and run roll comes up A BIT SHORT of making it to the webway portal before turn 2 scoring.