valkrye131: Decor @ the Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant
valkrye131: Octopus AC @ Fisherman's Wharf Restaurant
valkrye131: IMG_4171.JPG
valkrye131: Caught in Galveston Bay
valkrye131: RUN!!!!! It's Crabzilla!
valkrye131: two bees or not two bees, that is the bad joke
valkrye131: bees
valkrye131: bizzarro caterpillar
valkrye131: bizzarro caterpillar
valkrye131: Dinosaur Cake
valkrye131: Dinosaur Cake
valkrye131: The emperor
valkrye131: Eatin' park cookie
valkrye131: Pancakes, gone flat
valkrye131: Long gone lonesome blues
valkrye131: My Charlie Brown tree
valkrye131: Rusty Fluer de Lis
valkrye131: our courtroom map
valkrye131: my messy desk
valkrye131: my plants at work
valkrye131: spider plant baby
valkrye131: funny picture from the 6th floor
valkrye131: The Saddest sight in the world for many.
valkrye131: two.jpg
valkrye131: silver10.jpg
valkrye131: silver1.jpg
valkrye131: heaven & hell. (how much is this in Euros?)
valkrye131: UoA
valkrye131: Univeristy of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA
valkrye131: broad street