ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: survivor in Palest(r)ina
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Buone ferie! (Happy holidays!)
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: che tenerezza .... o è fame?
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Certi amori ti lasciamo un'emozione. Per sempre ...
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Ho paura: stammi vicino!
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: È festa in paese!
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Wedding chapel - Las Vegas
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: single chance for freedom
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Il paradiso al di là della "fede".
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Is not a good time to fish.
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: STOP !!?? ..... Prudence is never too much.
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: Iron hearts (Cuori d'acciaio)
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: ... in a painting.
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: The four elements: earth, air, water and ..... "fire"
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: A quick dip? No thanks, maybe later ....
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: When the night ... has come ... and the land is dark ......
ONEshotONEemotion !!!BUSY!!!: The paradise in your eyes