Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Fiery Searcher - Calosoma scrutator
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Ground beetle
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Ground beetle
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Ground beetle
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Crab spider
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Black widow
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Black widow
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Dirty eyeball!
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Cleaning time!
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Freshly emerged cicada
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Five lined skink, Plestiodon fasciatus
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Little crab and its good camouflage!
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Tiger beetle
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Freshly sclerotized cicada
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
A little crabby
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Stilt-legged fly, male Taeniaptera trivittata?
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Jumping spider
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Stilt-legged fly, female Grallipeza nebulosa?
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Spinybacked orb weaver spider
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Spider busy with its web
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Seaside dragonlet, Erythrodiplax berenice
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Southern mole cricket, Scapteriscus borellii
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin:
Southern mole cricket, Scapteriscus borellii
Valerie Levesque-Beaudin: