Valentin Monn:
First attempt to descend to the bottom of the canyon in the fresh-fallen snow (December 9, 2008) [2897-38]
Valentin Monn:
Morning hike into the Canyon del Muerto in the fresh-fallen snow [2897-39]
Valentin Monn:
Ancient Puebloan Indian (Anasazi) rock shelter settlement [2901-02]
Valentin Monn:
Close-up of an ancient Puebloan Indian (Anasazi) rock shelter settlement in Canyon del Muerto [2901-04]
Valentin Monn:
Fresh-fallen snow on the north rim of Canyon del Muerto (December 9, 2008) [2901-06]
Valentin Monn:
Second attempt to descend to the bottom of the canyon on a horse trail, further up Canyon del Muerto (December 9, 2008) [2901-07]
Valentin Monn:
Fabulous view on the way to the bottom of Canyon del Muerto [2901-10]
Valentin Monn:
Valentin Monn:
Ancient Puebloan Indian rock shelter in Canyon del Muerto [2901-12]
Valentin Monn:
Navajo rock paintings in Canyon del Muerto [2901-14]
Valentin Monn:
Ancient People (Anasazi) rock paintings and scratchings in Canyon del Muerto [2901-16]
Valentin Monn:
Rock caves in the vertical Canyon wall [2901-17]
Valentin Monn:
A morning walk in Canyon de (very) Chilly [sic!] [2901-19]
Valentin Monn:
Spider Rock (bottom left) [2901-29]
Valentin Monn:
Canyon de Chelly from White House overlook [2901-25]
Valentin Monn:
The famous White House Ruin, seen from the south rim of Canyon de Chelly [2901-22]
Valentin Monn:
The White House Ruin [2374-03]
Valentin Monn:
The White House Ruin [2901-39]
Valentin Monn:
Close-up of The White House Ruin [2374-05]
Valentin Monn:
Valentin Monn:
Water dripping from the rim frozen on twigs along the White House Trail [2901-31]
Valentin Monn:
Dry leaves on trees in snowy Canyon de Chelly (December 10, 2008) [2374-12]
Valentin Monn:
Winter trees in the canyon (December 9, 2008) [2901-37]
Valentin Monn:
Almost a natural negative print... [2374-13]
Valentin Monn:
Valentin Monn:
Valentin Monn:
Half-way down the Canyon de Chelly on the White House Trail [2901-32]
Valentin Monn:
Canyon de Chelly from the White House Trail [2374-15]