HOUSE OF PINKU: field of dreams
HOUSE OF PINKU: pretty polly
HOUSE OF PINKU: we wanted to take them all home...
HOUSE OF PINKU: polly's PARASOL DOLL dress matches the flowers!!
HOUSE OF PINKU: so gorgeous!
HOUSE OF PINKU: i can't remember all their names!!
HOUSE OF PINKU: polly was stunned!!
HOUSE OF PINKU: polly loved each and every one!
HOUSE OF PINKU: dinner plates!!
HOUSE OF PINKU: spiky town!
HOUSE OF PINKU: what a beautiful day
HOUSE OF PINKU: one million kinds of dahlias!
HOUSE OF PINKU: big as my head!
HOUSE OF PINKU: dahlia heaven
HOUSE OF PINKU: 7 devils
HOUSE OF PINKU: gorgeous
HOUSE OF PINKU: heaven on earth
HOUSE OF PINKU: as far as the eye can see
HOUSE OF PINKU: field of dreams