valeehill: KANE Family Portrait
valeehill: HANNAN, William James
valeehill: HANNAN, William James
valeehill: KANE, Agnes Julia and Granddaughter
valeehill: KANE, Agnes and MEIERS, Clemence: Wedding
valeehill: KANE, Agnes; MEIERS, Clemence; and MUELLER, Mary Jo
valeehill: KANE, Edmund and KANE, Cecil Abbie (PULVER)
valeehill: KANE, Herbert Mathew
valeehill: KANE, John Francis and LAZANSKY, Elizabeth
valeehill: KANE, John Francis, Sr.
valeehill: KANE, John Francis, Sr.
valeehill: KANE, Margaret Beatrice
valeehill: KANE, Margaret Beatrice
valeehill: KANE, Margaret Beatrice and HANNAN, William James
valeehill: KANE, Margaret, HANNAN, William and Marion
valeehill: KANE, Margaret; HANNAN, Marion & Virginia; and HILL, June
valeehill: KANE, Nellie and MUELLER, Mary Kay
valeehill: KANE, Rinaldo Edmund
valeehill: McCormick (KANE), Julia Agnes and ODELL, Vivian
valeehill: ODELL, Vivian Mary