valeehill: CABRAL, Joseph
valeehill: CARVALHO and MEDEIROS Relatives
valeehill: CARVALHO, Carrie
valeehill: CARVALHO, Edwin
valeehill: CARVALHO, John and Maria
valeehill: CARVALHO, Joseph and Nellie
valeehill: CARVALHO, Joseph and Nellie
valeehill: CARVALHO, Joseph, Nellie, and Benjamin
valeehill: CARVALHO, Maria Augusta
valeehill: CARVALHO, Maria and NOBRIGA, Antoinette
valeehill: CARVALHO, Maria, LAU Chong, LAU Kui Kyau, and Rose LAU
valeehill: CARVALHO, Rose and DeMATTOS, Mary
valeehill: DAVIS, Shirley Ann
valeehill: De MATTOS, Maria and Mary
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Anthony and Clara
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Anthony and Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Anthony and Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Anthony, Sr.
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia and Friend, Elsie
valeehill: DeCOSTA, Patricia; KENNEDY, Virgil L., Jr; LAU, Rose
valeehill: DeMATTOS, Antone and Mary
valeehill: DeMATTOS, Antone and Mary
valeehill: DeMATTOS, Manuel, Sr.