Valentina Protopapa Photos: Artista clochard
Valentina Protopapa Photos: SHOOTING, back stage
Valentina Protopapa Photos: old light, caravaggio ditctat
Valentina Protopapa Photos: Villa panphili, scorci
Valentina Protopapa Photos: Via del Governo vecchio, 8 maggio 2010
Valentina Protopapa Photos: Si piega, ma non si spezza
Valentina Protopapa Photos: me and my other me
Valentina Protopapa Photos: les dejeuner sur l'herbe
Valentina Protopapa Photos: she, under the rain
Valentina Protopapa Photos: the Bridge of hopes
Valentina Protopapa Photos: Atelier Brancusi
Valentina Protopapa Photos: Mi guardate con occhio sfocato
Valentina Protopapa Photos: simmetrie compositive