Val Blakely: Baby Monkey
Val Blakely: Monkey Zzzzzz...
Val Blakely: Huh? You said something?
Val Blakely: Velvet Monkey
Val Blakely: Meerkat Buddha
Val Blakely: Can't Look at You Right Now!
Val Blakely: Meerkat
Val Blakely: Great Blue Heron
Val Blakely: Great Blue Heron in Flight
Val Blakely: Great Blue Heron Portraiture
Val Blakely: On the Landing
Val Blakely: An Acrobatic Dragonfly
Val Blakely: Killdeer in the Marsh
Val Blakely: Fiery Skipper
Val Blakely: Anna’s Hummingbird
Val Blakely: Cedar waxwing
Val Blakely: A berry happy Yellow-rumped Warbler
Val Blakely: Cedar Waxwing having a bad feather day
Val Blakely: Cedar waxwing
Val Blakely: Cedar Waxwing keeping an eye on the photographer.
Val Blakely: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Val Blakely: American Crow caws
Val Blakely: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Val Blakely: Cedar Waxwing
Val Blakely: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Val Blakely: Nuttall’s Woodpecker
Val Blakely: Cedar Waxwing
Val Blakely: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Val Blakely: Immature American Goldfinch
Val Blakely: Immature White-crowned Sparrow