Grandpa@50: Pag-Ibig Building at Sunrise
Grandpa@50: The Old Church
Grandpa@50: Flower Macro
Grandpa@50: Morning Ships
Grandpa@50: Beach-Hut
Grandpa@50: Ancient Transport
Grandpa@50: Public Transport
Grandpa@50: Anachronism
Grandpa@50: Old Man (Fading Perspectives) B/W
Grandpa@50: The Race - Who'll win?
Grandpa@50: Public Transport in the Old Days in BW
Grandpa@50: Natural Framing
Grandpa@50: Bowling (Motion Blur)
Grandpa@50: Billiards
Grandpa@50: The Backswing (Sports)
Grandpa@50: Red-Keeled FP Hovering
Grandpa@50: Fantail on Nest
Grandpa@50: Olive-backed Sunbird (Female)
Grandpa@50: Philippine Bulbul (Ixos Philippinus)
Grandpa@50: Little Egret Feeling Like a Great Eagle
Grandpa@50: Red-keeled Flowerpecker
Grandpa@50: Male Olive-backed Sunbird (Nectarinia jugularis)
Grandpa@50: Hanging Bridge
Grandpa@50: Grey-streaked Flycatcher (Muscicapa griseisticta)
Grandpa@50: White-breasted Wood-swallows (Artamus leucorynchus)
Grandpa@50: Shrike @ Olango
Grandpa@50: Can you see me?
Grandpa@50: View From a Window
Grandpa@50: Pyro Olympics @ Manila
Grandpa@50: Pyro Olympics @ Manila