Vainsang: Sunbathing or...
Vainsang: This ol' eye from 20.000.000 million Years ago
Vainsang: So sad...
Vainsang: Are you serious?
Vainsang: Shadows on the chinese wall
Vainsang: The Octopus maple
Vainsang: Are you talking to me?
Vainsang: A window open on the castle and the pond
Vainsang: Reflections sometimes are mirages and reality is inexpressible
Vainsang: Chinese garden at the door of Paradise
Vainsang: The acrobat
Vainsang: The footbridge to the infinite
Vainsang: There are 1001 reasons to look at us with the red eye
Vainsang: Acer and a palm
Vainsang: Be careful, they could brake sharply!
Vainsang: The praying tree at the temple
Vainsang: A little bit of zen-like attitude for you
Vainsang: Souvenir of a Summer rest
Vainsang: The pride of the Cassowary
Vainsang: Windows of our World
Vainsang: A spring-like Walk in the Japanese Garden (Do the Walk in large!)
Vainsang: Hungry?
Vainsang: A flamboyant Southern Crowned Pigeon
Vainsang: Don't take it too overfamiliar folks!
Vainsang: Chinese Line?
Vainsang: The Vulture
Vainsang: The Yellow Eye