Vainsang: The sadness of the Bear
Vainsang: A Brabançon in the snow
Vainsang: < Swans <
Vainsang: "I think I love you" "Do you?" "Sure!"
Vainsang: Zizette, my Cat in the Courtyard
Vainsang: Meadow brown on Lavender
Vainsang: The Lavender blues of Limenitis Camilla
Vainsang: A short-lived Star on Lavender
Vainsang: Phew! It has been an exhausting day in the Garden.
Vainsang: The Blues of the Butterfly
Vainsang: At the Tip of a Lavender (Iphiclides podalirius)
Vainsang: Hungry?
Vainsang: A flamboyant Southern Crowned Pigeon
Vainsang: Seriously, Are you looking at Me?
Vainsang: But where are those Teddy Bears?
Vainsang: Don't take it too overfamiliar folks!
Vainsang: L'élégance du Flamant
Vainsang: Kitties, Kitties, Kitties
Vainsang: I love you
Vainsang: Going in circles - Round and round and round!
Vainsang: The Vulture
Vainsang: The Yellow Eye