Vagari: Ichabod
Vagari: A little closer.
Vagari: Sleepy kitty
Vagari: 20100919-_MG_8248
Vagari: 20100924-P1000645
Vagari: 20100924-P1000647
Vagari: Ichabod wants in on the action.
Vagari: He likes to battle me while I fold laundry.
Vagari: I never get to throw things away.
Vagari: You'd think he was the one who played Ultimate all day.
Vagari: Apparently this is what happens when you dig for an old shirt.
Vagari: He normally doesn't relax here.
Vagari: Thankfully he also uses the cat tree that came in the box.
Vagari: Guess I'm not allowed to put my Ultimate bag under there anymore.
Vagari: What's he thinking?
Vagari: I can't believe he's already four years old.
Vagari: Watching the Pats with the cat.