Vab2009: Young buzzard
Vab2009: Peregrine Falcon
Vab2009: "It is all MINE!"
Vab2009: Browsing the supermarket shelves (hedgerows) along my lane.
Vab2009: Frog's legs
Vab2009: Hunting
Vab2009: Kestrel - again!
Vab2009: Just a light snack for lunch
Vab2009: "I've brought this for you darling, now will you come up and see my nest?"
Vab2009: Sparrowhawk
Vab2009: Cross buzzard
Vab2009: Spring is in the air
Vab2009: Bring me a nice fat juicy pigeon back from the shops please...
Vab2009: Baby, baby
Vab2009: Young buzzard with Kermit frog
Vab2009: Kestrel on a hot tin roof
Vab2009: More hair and underwear problems
Vab2009: Kestrel problems
Vab2009: Junior buzzard
Vab2009: Spotted by a Hobby
Vab2009: More buzzard tales
Vab2009: In the evening sun
Vab2009: Brother and sister
Vab2009: The annual buzzard chase
Vab2009: "Muuuuummmm.m..mmm! I can fly!"
Vab2009: Buzzard
Vab2009: The new generation
Vab2009: Buzzard scrutiny
Vab2009: Sparrow hawk/swan open sandwich
Vab2009: The local buzzard