vim2009: Red hat
vim2009: Red autumn
vim2009: Duel
vim2009: Christmas Bells
vim2009: Needles
vim2009: Evening ray
vim2009: Blue mountains
vim2009: Way in the unknown
vim2009: Lost in snow
vim2009: Light and shadow
vim2009: Milky way
vim2009: Guards
vim2009: Winterland
vim2009: Twins
vim2009: photographer on the hunt
vim2009: Quiet place
vim2009: In the valley
vim2009: Карпати Герешаска (Carpathian mountains)
vim2009: Martian Landscape
vim2009: Карпати Герешаска (Carpathian mountains)
vim2009: Pretty
vim2009: Гуцулочки (Hutsuls)
vim2009: Memories of spring
vim2009: boy
vim2009: Gold
vim2009: Перший сніг сезону 2009/2010 (First snow of season 2009/2010)
vim2009: last sunny days...
vim2009: City under the Arch
vim2009: through light
vim2009: Seasons