[V1V1]: Ops....si è rotto!
[V1V1]: exsercise of composition #1
[V1V1]: elusive deafening silence
[V1V1]: aggrapparsi
[V1V1]: dying in silence, between the tears of heaven.
[V1V1]: raped
[V1V1]: Lasciatemi stare...
[V1V1]: In punta di piedi
[V1V1]: lack
[V1V1]: mind elsewhere
[V1V1]: ancient wisdom
[V1V1]: an emotional state
[V1V1]: Like Eva [?]
[V1V1]: a different perspective - like ant
[V1V1]: still life - a bocca aperta
[V1V1]: dentro l'anima
[V1V1]: (e un brivido mi percorse la schiena...)
[V1V1]: in vino veritas
[V1V1]: subtle discomfort
[V1V1]: Small Smiles of a sunny Sunday
[V1V1]: tornando verso casa...
[V1V1]: infinitely sweet
[V1V1]: Come una Farfalla _ experiment
[V1V1]: [...detail...]