Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
First Kindergarten Homework Today: Botany!
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
#2 Homework
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Parent's Night at School featured a movie of each kid. Big's won the Chatty Cathy Award. Big: Mum and Dad, I love to… I love to… be silly with you sometimes. Ms. Pon-Barry: And at school? BB: And at school we read books and we get to read 'em two times
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
halloween 2014 GGC
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Thanksgiving Feast
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Thanksgiving Feast
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Thanksgiving Feast
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Thanksgiving Feast
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
LEGO Crayons for School Presentation Today!
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Kittredge Beach Clean Up 2015
Ayîk/Petit Tricotage:
Kittredge Beach Clean Up 2015