UWMadArchives: "No accidents today"
UWMadArchives: Stonecutters in winter
UWMadArchives: Building a shelter
UWMadArchives: Building a shelter
UWMadArchives: Bulldozer
UWMadArchives: Building a spillway
UWMadArchives: Planting pines
UWMadArchives: CCC workers on truck
UWMadArchives: Digging on the prairie
UWMadArchives: Dumping dirt
UWMadArchives: Dredger
UWMadArchives: Tree planting
UWMadArchives: Planting a tree
UWMadArchives: Planting on the prairie
UWMadArchives: CCC workers eating
UWMadArchives: Prairie burning
UWMadArchives: Quarrying
UWMadArchives: Quarrying
UWMadArchives: Seining for carp
UWMadArchives: Snow removal
UWMadArchives: Stone fireplace
UWMadArchives: Watering pines
UWMadArchives: Watering trees
UWMadArchives: Chopping Wood