uwdigitalcollections: Anti-Dow demonstration
uwdigitalcollections: Anti-Dow demonstration
uwdigitalcollections: Anti-racism rally
uwdigitalcollections: Anti-war rally at UW Camp
uwdigitalcollections: Armed personnel outside Bascom Hall
uwdigitalcollections: Burning a draft card
uwdigitalcollections: Candlelight vigil on Library Mall
uwdigitalcollections: Candlelight vigil on State Street
uwdigitalcollections: Crowd demonstrating 1969
uwdigitalcollections: Dow demonstration at the Commerce Building
uwdigitalcollections: Protest against ROTC
uwdigitalcollections: Police personnel with tear gas
uwdigitalcollections: Police officers in front of Bascom Hall
uwdigitalcollections: Police and students
uwdigitalcollections: National Guard on Park Street
uwdigitalcollections: Marchers protesting US involvement in Iran
uwdigitalcollections: March on Washington
uwdigitalcollections: Dow protest seen through broken window
uwdigitalcollections: How many will die in Vietnam
uwdigitalcollections: Sterling Hall bombing
uwdigitalcollections: Sit-in at the Peterson Building
uwdigitalcollections: Sterling Hall bombing
uwdigitalcollections: Rally protesting ROTC's treatment of gays and lesbians
uwdigitalcollections: Rally opposing the Vietnam War
uwdigitalcollections: Protestors against CIA recruiters
uwdigitalcollections: Protesters on campus
uwdigitalcollections: Protest on Bascom Hill with tear gas
uwdigitalcollections: Protest on Bascom Hill with tear gas
uwdigitalcollections: Protest against ROTC