UVO_eber: Rainbow midge
UVO_eber: Structural colors everywhere... (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Portrait of a Parasitoid (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Tiny wasp, dorsal view (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Tiny wasp, dorsal view, detail (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Tiny wasp, abdomen, detail (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Big Sister - perfect together
UVO_eber: Winter crane fly (portrait)
UVO_eber: Winter crane fly (Trichocera hiemalis)
UVO_eber: True Bug
UVO_eber: Hind Wing of Hemiptera
UVO_eber: Forewing of Hemiptera
UVO_eber: Reflection Spectrum of Heteroptera (true bug)
UVO_eber: Mosquito (Culex pipiens)
UVO_eber: Colorful Green Lacewing
UVO_eber: Portrait: Silverfish
UVO_eber: Ichneumonidae sp. (m)
UVO_eber: Ichneumonidae sp. (m) UVIVF
UVO_eber: Strong hollyhock shrew weevil (Aspidapion validum)
UVO_eber: Strong hollyhock shrew weevil (Aspidapion validum)
UVO_eber: Chalcid wasp (Chalcidoidea)
UVO_eber: Chalcid wasp, portrait (Chalcidoidea)
UVO_eber: Chalcid wasp, portrait UVIVF (Chalcidoidea)
UVO_eber: Parasitoid wasp (Braconidae)
UVO_eber: Wasp portrait (Braconidae)
UVO_eber: Portrait of a Parasitoid (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Structural colors everywhere... (Torymus sp.)
UVO_eber: Weevel (Phyllobius sp.)
UVO_eber: Ichneumonidae sp.
UVO_eber: Cercopis vulnerata with some UVIVF