Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Tobyville Theatre complete with detachable wings and sheet of Uncle Tom's cabin characters
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Saved by the envelope!
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Architectural drawings
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Eliza Gilligan surveying dust jacket collection
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Government documents sometime lead a tough life
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Government documents sometime lead a tough life
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Tibetan Collection
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Tibetan materials awaiting boxes
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Library fort or prepping for renovation?
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Library fort or prepping for renovation?
Preservation Services, U.Va. Library:
Preservation Week 2019 Brown Bag lunch