UU World: ‘We can never be the bearers of love and justice if the foundation that sustains us is still perpetuating the very problems we long to solve.’
UU World: ‘We are called, collectively, to this great experiment in communal salvation.’
UU World: ‘Touch binds us together in a way that is warm and builds community’
UU World: ‘What is essential to you about being a Unitarian Universalist?’
UU World: ‘What do our Purposes and Principles capture well that is essential to who we are? What do they leave out?’
UU World: ‘How could our mission, Purposes, Principles, and bylaws more accurately convey our vision?’
UU World: ‘How are we asked to transform lives, communities, and the world in these times?’
UU World: ‘Another kind of grief comes from being unprepared for loss’
UU World: ‘The world’s great religions offer people a story to enter into’
UU World: ‘Let’s keep fighting for that safer, more just world’
UU World: ‘Our voices and our votes are a powerful tool’
UU World: ‘We believe safety from harm is the most fundamental human right’
UU World: ‘Included in the fabric of our communities’
UU World: ‘Civil disobedience is obedience to a higher moral law, obedience to faith, obedience to our values’
UU World: ‘We need communities that remind us of our humanity’