UU World: UUA General Assembly 2011
UU World: UUA banners outside the Charlotte Convention Center
UU World: Niki de St Phalle sculpture
UU World: In the heart of Charlotte, N.C.
UU World: A Green agenda
UU World: A welcoming face
UU World: The business of General Assembly
UU World: Three generations in the banner parade
UU World: Banner parade
UU World: Banner parade
UU World: Standing on the Side of Love in the banner parade.
UU World: UUA General Assembly
UU World: Benediction
UU World: UUA 50th Anniversary
UU World: Ginny Courter, UUA Moderator
UU World: Statement of Conscience on Ethical Eating Mini-Assembly
UU World: 'Ethical Eating' mini-assembly
UU World: Installation of the Rev. Meg Riley, senior minister of the Church of the Larger Fellowship
UU World: The Rev. Meg Riley
UU World: The Rev. Michael A. Schuler, preacher at the Service of the Living Tradition
UU World: Service of the Living Tradition
UU World: Access and egress
UU World: Rev. Kosho Niwano
UU World: The Rev. John Gibb Millspaugh introduces the Statement of Conscience on Ethical Eating
UU World: Approving the Statement of Conscience on Ethical Eating
UU World: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf
UU World: The Rev. Dr. Galen Guengerich
UU World: The Rev. Dr. Gary Dorrien
UU World: Signature for AIWs
UU World: Standing on the Side of Love with LGBT People Everywhere!