utnapistim: "I TOLD you! It's rule 208 that said ..."
utnapistim: at the table
utnapistim: happy coffee
utnapistim: at the table
utnapistim: no comment
utnapistim: picking music
utnapistim: Chaplin's shoes ... more or less
utnapistim: WARNING: heavy smoking can be hazardous to your brain!
utnapistim: at the table
utnapistim: S, playing
utnapistim: desperate to eat
utnapistim: heh
utnapistim: enjoying a cigarette
utnapistim: attention
utnapistim: at the table
utnapistim: at the table
utnapistim: choosing music
utnapistim: at the table
utnapistim: C, on the phone
utnapistim: G & C
utnapistim: G (and C) performing
utnapistim: G & I, performing
utnapistim: G & I, performing